Mar 29, 2012

How to block game requests from friends on Facebook ?

Are you tired of your friends sending you game requests? Well, then here are the steps for you to block the games and applications :

1. On your Facebook "Home" page, go to Apps and Games which is on the left side-bar under APPS.
2. There is a section "Invites from friends" on the top.
3. Try to close/cancel one of the invites you don't want.
4. After you confirm it, you'll be asked to block the app permanently.

For eg:

            You hid a  Empires and Allies  request sent by Chris Angel
             Block Empires and Allies?
             Ignore all requests from  Chris Angel?

5. Click on  "Block Empires and Allies" or whatever the name of the application is.
6.You'll be asked to confirm.

Walaaaaa!!!! No more requests !!!  :)


  1. wow that was very informative... But I wonder what took you so long to find the procedure the block these apps.

  2. That is helpful. Thank you. I will do that later today.


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